2 min readDec 31, 2020


New Year is coming…

Many people consider this year awful due to the pandemic, and wish New Year came as soon as possible. I agree that the situation with the virus is terribly disappointing, thousands of people have suffered from this disease, and this year will be definitely mentioned in the history books. However, for my family and me this year wasn’t that bad, and I even dare to say that it was one of the best years that I’ve ever had. Let’s recall the events that made me think this way.

  1. I’ve had a great birthday, celebrating it with my family and close friends.
  2. I’ve learnt how to do a manicure! I still need a lot of practice, but the fact that I can do it myself makes me feel proud :D
  3. Sveta and I’ve had a mini-trip to Moscow.
  4. The format of our studies’s changed, and we’ve gained a new experience in studying from home.
  5. I’ve gotten my first visa to the U.S., and had the longest flight in my life.
  6. I’ve worked for two months in McDonald’s in another country, and I’ve collected numerous funny stories from that time.
  7. I’ve gotten used to wearing a mask, though at first it seemed impossible to me to wear it for 8–10 hours non-stop.
  8. I’ve eaten a lot of fast and junk food. That was very harmful for my physical shape, and now I have to exercise, but I don’t regret — the food was great!
  9. During this summer I’ve met a lot of amazing people, with most of them we still stay in touch. Each time, chatting with them, makes me feel as happy as a clam at high tide.
  10. I’ve explored the city where I had been dreaming to visit for a long time — New York!
  11. My brother’s wife’s given birth to Matvey, and now I’m an aunt — that’s officially!
  12. I’ve taught English and Spanish at school that was challenging, but I’m glad for the chance to be a teacher for so many students at the same time.

I’ve highlighted 12 the most significant events (and probably even achievements) for me. Undoubtedly, there are more lovely days that have played an important role in the story of my life, but they are so special and intimate that I’d rather leave it for myself.

Thanks for reading this post! As an optimist, I want to remind you to look more often on the bright side of life, not paying attention to failures and restrictions that all of us had to face this year.

Happy New Year!

